Relevant Research and Reports on Children with Medical Complexity

  • Top 10 Technologies and Issues Related to Caring for Children and Youth with Medical Complexity (CADTH, 2024)

    Top 10 Technologies and Issues Related to Caring for Children and Youth with Medical Complexity (CADTH, 2024)

  • The study of ableism in population level health: a critical review (Mannor, 2024)

  • Still Left Out: Children and youth with special needs in the pandemic (Representative for Children and Youth, 2023)

    Still Left Out: Children and youth with special needs in the pandemic (Representative for Children and Youth, 2023)

  • Experiences of medical traumatic stress in parents of children with medical complexity (Dewan et all, 2022)

    Experiences of medical traumatic stress in parents of children with medical complexity (Dewan et all, 2022)

  • Left Out: Children and youth with special needs in the pandemic (Representative for Children and Youth, 2020)

    Left Out: Children and youth with special needs in the pandemic (Representative for Children and Youth, 2020)

  • Children and Youth with Medical Complexity in Canada (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2020)

    Children and Youth with Medical Complexity in Canada (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2020)

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on British Columbia's Children with Medical Complexity and their Families (Baumbusch et all, 2020)

    The Impact of COVID-19 on British Columbia's Children with Medical Complexity and their Families (Baumbusch et all, 2020)

  • CAPHC Guideline for the Management of Medically Complex Children and Youth Through the Continuum of Care (Children’s Healthcare Canada, 2018)

    CAPHC Guideline for the Management of Medically Complex Children and Youth Through the Continuum of Care (Children’s Healthcare Canada, 2018)

  • Alone and Afraid: Lessons learned from the ordeal of a child with special needs and his family (Representative for Children and Youth, 2018)

    Alone and Afraid: Lessons learned from the ordeal of a child with special needs and his family (Representative for Children and Youth, 2018)

  • Children with Medical Complexity in Canada (Dewan et all, 2013)

    Children with Medical Complexity in Canada (Dewan et all, 2013)

  • Article. onExploring what motivates parents of children with medical complexity to participate in research (Kim, 2024)

    Exploring what motivates parents of children with medical complexity to participate in research (Kim, 2024)