Together, for our children

We are a grassroots collective of BC families with children with medical complexity. We offer resources and support to our community, advocate for our children’s complex needs, and engage in research initiatives.

Children with Medical Complexity

Children with medical complexity are a small number within our population, yet they require some of the most support - within home, community and hospital settings.

We are active advocates.

Our board members are engaged in advocacy campaigns aimed at impacting policy, perception, and awareness for our children, both on a provincial and national level.

Navigating this complex world.

We have collated some of the most helpful and reached for resources for families living in BC. While the system needs transformation, there are supports available to you.

Engaged in the power of research.

Our families stories, experiences and collective data is valuable to inform the medical, government, and community systems that serve us. 

Stay Connected

Join our Private Facebook Group For parents and caregivers of children with medical complexity.

Join our Public Facebook Group For allies and advocates looking to stay in the know.

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